Thursday 18 June 2009

Brad & Ange - A good Deed

Angelina and Brad Give $1 Million to Aid Refugees

They're between film shoots, but Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have kept busy. First, it was the creation of the Jane Pitt Pediatric Cancer Center, named after Brad's mother, in his hometown of Springfield, Mo. And Wednesday, in support of Jolie's eight-year relationship with the UN Refugee Agency, the Jolie-Pitt Foundation gave $1 million to help displaced people in Pakistan, a country she has visited three times. The head of the agency, António Guterres, thanked the foundation for its assistance, calling Pakistan's plight "the most challenging humanitarian crisis of the past decade," as more than 2 million people are currently displaced in the country.Jolie will talk about her work in aiding refugees Thursday when she and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton celebrate World Refugee Day in Washington D.C. Having just finished a four-month shoot for the thriller Salt, Jolie will be a stay-at-home mom as her family moves to Los Angeles while Pitt films Moneyball.

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